
DryKids Coach

DryKids' ebooks and videos

Forget everything you’ve heard about how to end bed wetting! These techniques have been developed by pediatricians and psychologists, and taught to nurses in hospital ‘enuresis’ clinics. It works better when the child is taught right in the home.

While the videos teach the basics, and further videos in the series go into more detail, it is very important to take 15 minutes to read this .pdf to see how it all fits together.

What I add in the zoom session is customization and motivation.

Teachers Fact Sheet

A pamphlet by England’s ERIC.org teaching how to recognize bed wetting

How it works:

Just a little video to explain how the plumbing works, and how an alarm can teach a child to wake to it. For ages 4-12

Put itt all together:  the DryKids night time drill

This is the basic program and all you’ll need for young kids who won’t use an alarm.

This preparation will introduce the program, and can be used to get a head start in the week or two before introducing a bed wetting alarm.
Water is your friend!

If you love to dance, you’ll love this song!  Water is the only medicine for bed wetting. It tones the bladder, lightens sleep, and keeps bowels happy.

Summary: 4 Steps to Dry

  1. Prepare by ‘water gulping ‘ – urinate and drink water every two-three hours
  2. Avoid milk & citrus products in the evening
  3. Practice getting up twice – wake with washcloth – splash face – say a mantra like “I want to be dry, I’m going to hear the buzzer” before sleep.
  4. At first the alarm only wakes Mom. She wakes the child with a wet cloth. Later, he will hear it. Soon he will anticipate it and go before the buzzer sounds. Finally, he will decide to sleep through the night.

IMPORTANT:  once the child is dry for 14 nights, go to using the buzzer every second night for two weeks, then every third night.. if you don’t phase out slowly the bed wetting might come back later.

RECURRENCE:  if the child wets again at any time, just do the other steps – water gulping and practice – without a buzzer.

Questions?  Contact Me