
DryKids Coach

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The methods that really work to end bedwetting are used in several hospitals, and by ‘enuresis consulting’ firms. My mentor, Eugene Draper of Pacific Enuresis, learned these techniques in the 1960’s from the Grey Nuns boarding school program.

Coach Peter Grise

If you know someone – a retired teacher or nurse? – who would like to work with children, I want to freely pass on my experience and techniques because there is a simple, natural way to end bed wetting. There should be a ‘bed wetting coach’ in every town yet if you ask the search engines, I’m the only one in the world!

I’ve had a number of people who were interested in learning this job, but none so far who had the right combination to make it work for them.

 It takes a person who is a natural teacher, who has a knack for social networking, and a sincere desire to change children’s lives. It isn’t a lucrative job in the way that I do it, but it’s perfect as an interest and income for retired teachers or nurses.

The methods that really work to end bed wetting are used in several hospitals, and by a few expensive ‘enuresis consulting’ firms. My mentor, Eugene Draper of Pacific Enuresis, learned these techniques in the 1960’s from the Grey Nuns boarding school program. 

My program is easy and quick to learn, because the interview and video materials lead step by stop to discovering the causes, then teaching the remedies. Every question on the intake forms, every natural remedy used, and every advice in ongoing Coaching, has been hospital-tested and taught by the best experts in enuresis counselling. Part psychology, part therapy, and part motivation, the DryKids method is a complete package gains a child’s trust and builds their self-confidence. The method is a form of CBT – cognitive behavioural therapy.

  • The pandemic had traumatized children more than ever, leading to more bed wetting cases than ever before. I can’t help very many of them, but more can be done, with your help. It’s free to you because part of the learning process is a test:
  • Prove to yourself that you can find customers, then bring two to me (maybe yours and one other?) This pays for my teaching and materials, it also proves to you that you can find customers. Otherwise it wouldn’t be worth my time or your learning effort.
  • After you have learned the knowledge base and paperwork, I Zoom the client and you observe, to learn more.
  • The first client, you ‘lurk’. The next client that you acquire we work with together..

If you work well with children, you can do this too!   Contact me


David in NYC says..

“We can’t thank you enough, your service was a godsend…” 

Tova White, Toronto               (Hear Tova’s phone message on Testimonials page)

“This was the best Christmas present ever!”

Daniel age 8               Boston

There is an old Nigerian saying that goes..

“When an old person dies, a library is lost.”

That would have happened when Eugene Draper of Pacific Enuresis  passed away. Fortunately he had trained me and a few others, in the methods that he learned over forty years in practice.

I’m not ready to retire yet, I’m only 76 and in the age of Zoom I can work from home with clients all over the world. However I’ve learned so much from Mr. Draper and the doctor-authors on my ‘experts’ page, it would be a shame to retire without replacement.


This isn’t a franchise, and it isn’t expensive. In fact, it’s free.

All that I ask is for you to prove to yourself that this could work, before I put the time into teaching you. You find a few clients to prove that your network will provide business and we will coach them together as you learn.

I want to spread the knowledge, to help as many children as possible. It’s quick to learn because I have a format for client intake and training that includes manuals, materials, and teaching slides.