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How to stop bed wetting

How to Stop bed wetting

The habit of bed wetting begins at age 3 or 4 years. At this age a child is ready to learn how to ‘hold it’ at night, if conditions are just right. However if there is any discomfort causing unusually deep sleep the child doesn’t feel the bladder signal, and misses this chance to learn how to create the night-mode hormone.

As adults we fall into deep sleep for an hour or so when first going to sleep. When we come up into light sleep we might get a bladder signal and think.. “I’m having a nice dream here, I don’t want to wake up!” This thought triggers the hormone Vasopressin which puts the kidneys into night mode. Rather than process urine, the kidneys direct fluid to the lungs to maintain a healthy balance in your blood.

To end bed wetting the parent needs to teach a child to sleep more lightly, and learn to trigger this hormone with a program of 4 Steps to Dry.

Steps to Stop Bed Wetting

The Four Steps to Dry are:
  1. Preparing the body to learn lighter sleep, with changes to diet, bladder tone, elimination of constipation and
  2. Beginning a “Bed Time Practice” routine that has physical and emotional benefits.
  3. Learning to wake up to a bladder signal
  4. Learning to relate the bladder signal to the creation of the dry-at-night hormone.
While you can learn these steps with our Ebook and Video series, it’s smoother and more fun with the help of a Coach. Their job is to determine the particular causes in your case, then address them with education and motivation. If you’ve already “Tried everything” to overcome your child’s bed wetting, you need to give your child the advice and confidence that a Coach will provide.
Imagine your kid’s expression when the Coach says,
“Tonight you will drink a big glass of water before bed, and you won’t need a pull-up. In fact the sheets will never get wet again if you follow these simple rules!”

Tips to Prevent Bed wetting

What works and what doesn’t work to end bed wetting? Family, friends, and even some doctors will say “Restrict Water,” “Get him up to go”, and “There’s a drug for that,” and you probably already know that these things just didn’t work for you. The problem is that there are many possible causes. The experts say “Nocturnal enuresis is a multi-causal problem, best remedied with a multi-modal solution.” The best way to prevent bed wetting is to catch it at age three or four years when the child is first ready. Don’t even try, until the child is old enough to ask for help. You need the child’s commitment to get proper motivation. Bed wetting continues when a child sleeps too deeply to feel the bladder signal. The causes of deep sleep in turn, are hurt either emotional or physical because the body is busy trying to fix a problem. The first step at this age is to hydrate properly, with regular water through the day up until one hour before bed. Without proper water in the tummy, dehydration will cause discomfort.

Stop Bed Wetting with behaviour modification training

Behaviour Modification isn’t complicated, it’s just a fancy term for changing habits and misunderstandings. We teach parents and children the skills and habits that eliminate possible causes and support the process to getting dry. The process is reinforced with our frequent phone and email contact, along withVideo series that can be watched together to maintain best habits. bed wetting alarm coaching & therapy The techniques that may be employed are simply  physical and mental exercises at bed time, eliminating foods that commonly cause discomfort or deep sleep, guided imagery for positive reinforcement, and sometimes even a mild form of clinical hypnosis in the care of an expert. The DryKids program brings the best methods of specialists, as taught to nurses in the most successful hospital programs. The advantage of DryKids is that our Coach meets the family, brings the program right into the home, and demonstrates the remedies in a situation where the child is secure and comfortable.

Frequently Asked Bed Wetting Question:

How can I stop Bed Wetting permanently?

In some cases it may be necessary to make an effort to maintain new habits and exercises, however that’s rarely the case. Generally once it is over – which may take six to twelve weeks of attention – bed wetting will never return. And if it does, you’ll know the reasons and how to stop it within a day or two. It’s just a matter of identifying the causes of bed wetting in your particular case, and applying the right routines to reverse these causes. The habits and misunderstandings that often cause bed wetting are also the causes of other deep sleep issues:  sleep apnea, sleepwalking, and night terrors. Once you learn to control your hydration, constipation and bowel/bladder tone, you will have good practices that will help you to sleep properly for the rest of your life.

What age should you stop Bed Wetting?

When a child is ready he will ask. Bed wetting is frequently caused by too-early toilet training, and prolonged by too-early attempts to make a child dry at night. The proper age for toilet training is age three; the proper age for ending bed wetting is anywhere from age three to six depending on when the child is interested. One of the main causes of bed wetting is anxiety at bed time, so we know that forcing change on a child will backfire. Usually bed wetting starts at age three and as a child get to age five or six they worry about it. This causes anxiety at bed time, and anxiety causes deep sleep, which causes bed wetting! The best way to end bed wetting is to simply ask the child if he or she wants to try for dry by going without pull-ups, starting at age four. Try it for a few nights, then stop and try it again in six months.

Should I wake my child up to pee at night?

Walking and walking can often get you a dry bed but that doesn’t teach the child at all. The child learns nothing because they are too groggy to learn. On the other hand, it does no harm. In most cases the child will be wet again later anyway. If you want to effectively get a dry bed by waking, then do it one hour after the child begins to sleep, then again three or four hours later. Learn more about methods that really work, with one of our Ebooks.

Can you train a child to be dry at night?

Yes, you can train a child to be dry at night. The skills that you teach to fix this will benefit the child for the rest of their life. I once taught an eighty-year-old grandmother how to monitor her hydration and she said it “changed my life”. When you train a child to be dry you are teaching important life skills that help them to sleep more restfully and be more alert during the day. To do this you should look into the causes and exercises that fix deep sleep and constipation, learn more about bladder and bowel toning, and identify any foods that cause discomfort. Yellow dye, milk products, and citrus – especially grapefruit – may be necessary to limit or avoid. Bed time guided imagery will be helpful. Learning how to wake to bladder signal is the first step in learning how to hold it all night. There is a lot of bad advice surrounding bed wetting and it’s cures; even doctors sometimes offer advice like “restrict water” and “hold to stretch the bladder.” If you need better advice, call me. I’m always ready to help a child with a few free tips. bed wetting coach Peter DryKids Coach Peter visits homes in Ontario, and teaches by Zoom everywhere!  Call me for advice, 705-818-4778
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