
DryKids Coach

How It Works, step by step:

Step 1:

Email me from this site for more information

“Hi Peter, my son is 8 years old and has never been dry for more than a few days. We have tried everything- alarm, waking, medications… and wondering if you can help.” My phone number is 555-555-5555″ …  Don

“Let’s talk, I’d like to ask a few questions to offer tips and see if the DryKids program is best for your son… when is a good time to call….  ”   Coach Peter

         Step 2

Sign up on this page:   Bed Wetting Programs  and pay by card or Paypal.  In response you will receive beginning lessons. You can start tonight with the “Happy Bladder Diet, Water Gulping, Chore Chart and Bedtime Practice. This routine lightens sleep and begins to lighten sleep and strengthen the bladder signal.


world's best bed wetting coach on zoom

Contact me at peter@drykids.ca when your alarm  arrives and we’ll set up a Zoom meeting. This is a 90-minute session to teach, train a motivate. This is often done in the evening leading right into bedtime.  Pacific time? up to 6pm. UK time? Afternoon or evening. Australia and New Zealand? 10 am or thereabouts.

Once the bedtime, practice routines, and absorbent bed pads are in place, a parent will get up with the child every time the alarm sounds, to be sure they wake properly, then chart the time.

I will email you occasionally, and you contact me on Messenger or email any time you need advice. My job is to be a motivator for the child, and a cheerleader for the parents.

Contact Me to see how this would work for your child:   peter@drykids.ca

Or get started now:  https://drykids.info/bedwetting%20alarms/