
DryKids Coach

bedwetting alarms

Bedwetting alarms – how they work

  • Some $30 alarms are as effective as the $100-$300 alarms because the process is Pavlovian and mild aversion therapy.
  • Under age 7? Alarms are usually unhelpful because smaller kids are afraid of the noise and lack persistence and motivation. Let the child play with it to get used to the sound.
  • Before you buy an alarm try the Clock Test. If your child wakes to an alarm the first night but not on the next few nights, they need more supporting methods.
  • If you already have an alarm that doesn’t wake them,  call me

Bed wetting alarms are meant to identify the child’s problem time, and give the parent a chance to intervene and adjust their sleep.  If it doesn’t wake the child you should include changes in diet, visualization, mantras, bladder toning and possibly treatment for constipation, to get more comfortable sleep to support the alarm process.

DryKids clients average 6 weeks to dry because we address all of the causes.

The alarm program: $325 US with Coaching and Video lessons

We recommend the appropriate alarm:  Coaching provides guided imagery, elimination diet, bowel and bladder toning, motivation, and education for success rates as high as 95% can be achieved. Our DryKids program lightens sleep, tones the bladder and uses a bed wetting alarm to identify the times that a child needs help, when the parent can get involved to change the child’s sleep pattern. 

Coach Peter Grise
Coach for Mom, Teacher for your child

There should be a bed wetting Coach in every town because the main obstacle to getting dry is a lack of information and support. A Coach is a teacher for the child and a motivator for parents.

Click here to start a conversation

Under age 7 children can be dry quite quickly, but they don’t have the focus or motivation of older kids. It still works, in some cases the parent has to do a little more work.


Coach Peter in the press:
Chatelaine’s “SweetMama” May 2012
Grise swiftly identifies behaviour and environmental snafus, while taking the pressure off the child. After instituting a program, parents decide whether to go it alone or to have him follow up over several months. With an improvement usually seen in the first week, we figure the money spent is money saved…

When your kid wakes up with wet sheets, it can leave him feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable, and leave you sleepless, stressed and buried in laundry. Many parents try restricting wter or waking their kids during the night, but the problem only persists …. We called in the experts to teach us their simple but not-so-obvious strategies to eliminate bedwetting. Dr. Lane Robson and DryKids’ Peter Grise…….